Cumberland WoodTurners
The Cumberland Woodturners is a collective of men and women who enjoy the art of
turning wood. Our members range from novice to professional with a common interest
in creating turned art. The goal of the Woodturners is to educate those individuals who
are fascinated by the the various turning techniques and applying them to create a
finished product. Our mentoring program is available to assist others in improving their
skills including tool selection, techniques, wood selection, machine operation and
finishing. Members have access to an extensive library of woodturning DVD s, books,
magazines plus the opportunity to connect with other members who share information.
Our hands on workshop is held the second saturday of each month at 9:00 AM at 1432
War Eagle Drive, in Crossville, TN. where we work with each other to solve problems
train and educate those at all levels of experience. Regular meetings are held the last
thursday of each month at 6:00 PM, social hour is at 5 PM located at Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) on Miller Ave at 10th Street, Room 308 (in the rear of building) in Crossville TN. Our meetings feature demonstrations by members or invited guests, auctions plus an instant gallery that features works by the membership who explain the process of creating each example. We have several challenge events with some relating to fund raising for local charities. The challenge of the month focuses on duplicating the item demonstrated the previous month with examples presented in the instant gallery. In addition, we will have special challenges throughout the year with the proceeds going to a selected charity. Dues are $30 yearly for an individual and $45 for family. Join us at either the workshop or the regular meeting to get better acquainted with our club.
Club Information
President- Tom Neckvatal
Vice President - Larry Lewis
Secretary -
Treasurer - Garron Riechers
Program Director - Larry Lewis
Safety Director - The Vice President
Librarian - Gary Gilpatrick
Video - Jon Reiver & John Lucas
Web Master - Rod Smith
Beads Of Courage - Les Black